We Pinoys say that we are always hospitable towards foreigners of all races, creeds, and colour. Sadly enough, the only race of people we can't seem to get along with is our own.
Metro Manila, in the middle of a glitzy tourist district. "NO SANDALS, SLIPPERS, OR SHORTS ALLOWED", the sign on the glass doors of restaurant-cum-bar-and-nightspot right beside the swanky five-star hotel graciously warned the prospective patron. A Pinoy with the gall to stroll right up to the entrance wearing a collared shirt, khaki shorts, and hiking shoes--the essential wear of a tropical backpacker--is politely refused entry by the Pinay waitress manning the door because of violating the dress code set by the management. The Pinoy realizes this and agrees to search for another restaurant where he can be allowed to go inside.
Then, a whole group of foreign tourists clad only in beachwear comes along...and the waitress has no trouble letting the dudes go in--even when these guys are apparently dressed in beach shorts and slippers.
It appears that foreign tourists can come in whatever fashion they please into this restaurant, never mind the rules. This is a factual incident. It is only one of countless others which illustrate how other races are accorded preferential treatment by Pinoys over their own.
A convicted rapist who happens to be an American is given a speedy appeals trial while thousands of wrongly accused Pinoys languish in prisons without having been convicted in the first place. Pinoys struggle hard to converse with foreigners in English, for the sake of courtesy, while they laugh at Bisayans who are simply talking in one of the Philippines' major languages, mocking the speakers with the jocular phrase "Bisaya ka man, gid, ha?" Drunken Pinoys walking along the street can always be reported to the authorities for social misdemeanors, while foreigners just as inebriated can race their motorcycles or cars down public roads without being penalized. Crooked policemen find it easier to extort money from fellow Pinoys than victimize our dearly beloved visitors. When the Abu Sayyaf abducts foreigners and Pinoys to hold them for ransom, the foreigners are the ones prioritized to be rescued first, while Pinoys are beheaded and are forgotten as casualties.
Then again, perhaps foreigners do deserve to be treated better. After all, what are fellow Pinoys anyway but simply a worthless bunch of riffraff? It will not be of any benefit to any Pinoy of he or she treats and regards fellow Pinoys with the same respect, courtesy, and...well, reverence which foreigners are showered with. Why would anybody want to treat their own Pinay maid with the same civility as they would a foreign visitor at their own house--no matter that the foreign visitor was also a maid in his or her homeland?
One of the definitions of the word "racist", according to http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/racist?qsrc=2889 is "Discrimination or prejudice based on race".
Pinoys appear to be innocent of being racist since they don't actually treat any other race besides their own as inferior. Then again...maybe there are some things Pinoys neglect to ponder about with regards to their own?
So--are we or aren't we racist bigots?
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